Fundraising at St. Margaret’s supports our many missions and outreach ministries. Our fundraisers also provide opportunities to spread the news to our local community that St. Margaret’s is a thriving and welcoming church in Emmaus.
A few of our fundraisers
- St. Margaret’s Community Yard Sale
- RaiseRight Gift Cards Program (formerly Shop with Scrip)
- Pampered Chef
- Body Shop at Home
- Basket Social
- Wreath Sale
- Emmaus Halloween Parade
Fundraising News & Updates
Emmaus Halloween Parade – October 21st
Fall is well and truly here! And with it, the exciting times at St. Margaret’s. As always, we will be having an open house during the October 21st Halloween Parade. St. Margaret’s will be serving food, snacks, and beverages, as well as opening our bathrooms to the public. We need some volunteers to help with […]
2023 Basket Social
Join us for fun and fundraising at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church’s Basket Social! Our event is the perfect opportunity to come together as a community and support our church’s mission and ministry while having a blast. Location: 150 Elm Street Emmaus, PA 18049 Date & Time: Friday, November 3rd, 4 PM – 8 PM Saturday, […]
FUNDRAISING | Boscov’s Friend’s Helping Friends Event
A great opportunity has been presented to us, and we just can’t pass it up. We will be selling 25% off discount shopping passes for Boscov’s redeemable on October 18, 8am to 11pm. The cost of the pass is $5, and St. Margaret’s keeps that $5 donation! So, if 20 members sell 20 passes each, […]
FUNDRAISING | St. Margaret’s Gift Card Fundraiser
See Complete List of Brands to Choose From (PDF) About RaiseRight Gift Card Program It’s a convenience for us, AND every purchase returns a percentage to St. Margaret’s, costing us only a few cents extra. A GREAT way to give a gift to the church, especially during the gifting season—two gifts in one! Consider using […]
FUNDRAISING | St. Margaret’s Annual Community Yard Sale!
HUGE COMMUNITY YARD SALE SAT. JUNE 3 | 7 AM – 2 PM RAIN DATE JUNE 4 150 ELM STREET EMMAUS, PA 18049 (CORNER OF KEYSTONE & ELM) DONATIONS NEEDED! Clean out your closets for a good cause! All proceeds go towards mission and ministry. Items Needed: Home Decor • Kitchen Items • Small Appliances […]
Easter Flower Orders
You are invited to share in the privilege of beautifying the Sanctuary through a gift of Easter flowers. Contributions may be given in memory or in honor of a loved one, in thanksgiving or to celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Please submit the following information by April 10th to Kathy Leber, 1105 […]
St. Margaret’s Fundraising News – November 2021
Dear St. Margaret’s Family, Great news about our recent fundraiser – the Body Shop at Home – we made $222! Thank you all for participating. We will put the money to good use as always. Upcoming fundraisers: Holiday Wreaths Now until Nov.25 – Wreath Sale: please see the flyer which was mailed to you, or check […]
FUNDRAISING | St. Margaret’s Body Shop At Home Fundraiser
Treat Yourself or Treat Someone Else! Great for Holiday Gifts and Stocking Stuffers Get ready for all your holiday gift-giving needs with our Body Shop at Home Fundraiser! Hello Everyone, Our next fundraiser will be The Body Shop at Home and will run from now through October 23. I am providing a link for you to […]
St. Margaret’s Fundraising News 9-20-20
A huge “shout-out” to our faithful parishioner, Diana Marshall, for having the brainstorm of hosting a Pampered Chef Virtual Party Fundraiser to benefit St. Margaret’s Church! She co-hosted the Facebook event with her daughter, Hillary Sullivan, who lives in Connecticut, whom many of you know from her visits to St. M’s when she’s in town […]
St. Margaret’s Pampered Chef Fundraiser
Welcome to Diana Marshall’s Fundraiser for St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church! This event has been created exclusively for you to experience and shop for Pampered Chef products through the convenience of your computer or mobile device while supporting St. Margaret’s. Let’s fundraise together! A good portion of the party sales will go to a great cause, […]