St. Margaret's Fundraising - Thank You

St. Margaret’s Fundraising News – November 2021

Dear St. Margaret’s Family,
Great news about our recent fundraiser – the Body Shop at Homewe made $222! Thank you all for participating. We will put the money to good use as always.

Upcoming fundraisers:

Holiday Wreaths

Now until Nov.25 – Wreath Sale: please see the flyer which was mailed to you, or check it out on our social media pages, or download the form here: St. Margaret’s Wreath Form

Make sure you ask your friends and family if they would like to order.

Wreaths can be delivered to those unable to pick them up at church.

**We are seeking volunteers to help bag wreaths and organize orders at Trinity Church in Bethlehem on November 27. Please, let me know if you can help.

Gift Card Orders (Scrip)

Now until Nov. 14 – gift card orders due. (Visit our Scrip Fundraiser page on our website for the retailer list and order form). Again, everyone will want gift cards, so ask friends and family!

Dec. 13 – due date for last gift card orders before Christmas.

Bring/mail gift card orders to church (150 Elm Street, Emmaus, PA 18049), or mail them to me (fill out the contact form to receive the mailing address privately). Make checks payable to St. Margaret’s and on the memo line write, “scrip”.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Feel free to fill out the contact form below to get in contact with me or if we’re friends on Facebook I’m available there too. As always, thank you for the support you give to all of our fundraising efforts.

– Janice Clymer, Fundraising Coordinator

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