the Season of Creation
From the Priest-in-charge
I am delighted to welcome you to the website of St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church.
As you navigate our website, it is my hope and prayer that you will be informed about who we are, enlightened by our missional initiatives, and above all inspired about the new things God is doing among us. Finally, you are invited and encouraged to worship with us and become a member if you so desire. We worship at 9 a.m. at 150 Elm Street, Emmaus, PA 18049. You can also view our services live-streamed on our Facebook page. St. Margaret’s is a warm and hospitable congregation; come and visit with us!
If you feel the need for prayer please do not hesitate to call our church at 610-967-1450, and leave a message in case no one answers the phone, and we will surely get back to you.
Again, welcome.
Rev. Canon Laura Thomas Howell, Obl. S.B., Priest-in-charge
Meet Our St. Margaret's Family
WEEKLY REFLECTION I October 20, 2024 – Proper 24B
The Diocesan Convention is approaching, and prayers are requested for discernment regarding the reunification with the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania. The Parish Hall has a new, more accessible door installed by Greg and his team, improving both energy efficiency and accessibility. St. Margaret’s Day weekend will feature a special Celtic music concert on November 15th as a community outreach and fundraiser, and gift cards for Weis and Giant are now available at the church to support the parish.
Mo. Laura
Do you have photos involving St. Margaret’s that you want to share? Show us your St. Margaret’s Day, Christmas Pageant, Easter, Baptism and other photos! Email your high-res photos to to post on the website. Include a brief description and date. Thanks! – St. M.