Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Recently someone sent me one of those encouraging emails and I have seen a couple of versions of it on FaceBook since. It’s something we can all use at a time when things in the world are stretching us beyond comfort-level. I, at least, always feel a little better when I can do *SOMEthing*! So I share this reflection with you, inviting you to STOP when you catch yourself saying “I can’t…..”. That may be so, but what CAN you do?
I can’t fly……but I can take a flight.
I can’t save people suffering from famine……but I can contribute to Episcopal Relief and Development who will help.
I can’t go back and undo the things I got wrong…..but I can refuse to repeat the mistakes.
I can’t stop world climate change…..but I can recycle.
I can’t protect my children from getting hurt…..but I can teach them to protect themselves.
I can’t help every person who is lonely and grieving…..but I can spend time with one.
I can’t repair my car…..but I can pay a good mechnic to do it.
You get the idea! And beyond all this, you could dip into Philippians chapter 4:11-13 to read how St. Paul does it. He has found the secret of being content no matter what, closing with the famous line, “I can do all things through him (Christ) who strengthens me.”
Prayers for wisdom and discernment!
Mo. Laura
- September 25-October 2: Mo. Laura’s vacation week
- October 7: Miracles of Jesus class begins (through November 18)
- October 18-19: Diocesan Convention
- October 22: Boscov’s Day (25% off WITH coupon): sign up NOW to share shifts at Boscov’s
- November 10: 9:00 Animal Food Bank Collection
- November 15: 7:00 Poor Man’s Gambit Concert
- November 17: St. Margaret’s Day!
- Wednesdays: noonday prayer via zoom at 12:00