St. Margaret's Episcopal - Trinity Sunday

WEEKLY REFLECTION I September 15, 2024 – Proper 19B

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

I am sure most of you are aware that when Diocesan Convention meets this October 18-19, the main item of business will be to vote on whether or not to reunify with the Diocese of Central PA, creating a single new diocese called the Diocese of the Susquehanna. Bishop Kevin has asked that we share the latest information with everyone in the parish about the upcoming vote and pertinent materials. Below you will find a copy of the Diocesan Resolutions about reunification that will be considered

Both the Diocese of Bethlehem and the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania like and respect each other, as do Bishop Kevin and Bishop Audrey Scanlan. But both dioceses have many questions about how this would work. To that end the Reunification Committees of the two dioceses have created a report designed to answer as many ass possible. This document may be found here. It is 10 pages long, but is very thorough, including proposed maps. Too long to reproduce for all of you, but if you need one, let me know

There will be three of us attending and voting at Convention on your behalf: Lori Sysak, Susan Schaffner, and me. If you have thoughts about this you have not already shared, please let me know after you have read the materials. This is a crossroads time for our beloved Diocese and we want to do the best we can for our future

Prayers for wisdom and discernment! 

Mo. Laura 



  • September 15: Gift card orders due
  • September 25-October 2: Mo. Laura’s vacation week
  • October 7: Miracles of Jesus class begins (through November 18)
  • October 18-19: Diocesan Convention
  • October 22: Boscov’s Day (25% off WITH coupon): sign up NOW to share shifts at Boscov’s
  • November 10: 9:00 Animal Food Bank Collection
  • November 15: 7:00 Poor Man’s Gambit Concert
  • November 17: st, margaret’s day


The Diocese of Bethlehem 


WHEREAS, until 1904, the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania and the Diocese of Bethlehem were united as one diocese under the name “The Diocese of Central Pennsylvania”; and 

WHEREAS, The Constitution and Canons of The General Convention of the Episcopal Church allow for the reunification of dioceses; and 

WHEREAS, we are one family in Christ, and the resilience and health of the Church as well as the furtherance of its mission are strengthened through greater comity, collaboration, and stewardship of resources; and 

WHEREAS, the Diocese of Bethlehem entered into a period of intentional exploration with the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania of their future reunification as one diocese; and 

WHEREAS, this exploration has been conducted by both Bishops, supported by a discernment committee (comprised of their two chancellors, two members of the standing committees, two members of the diocesan council or board of trustees, and two at large members from each Diocese selected by each Diocese’s standing committee) with equal representation from each Diocese; and 

WHEREAS, the Bishops have engaged an outside consultant to assist the discernment committee with this process; and 

WHEREAS, the discernment committee has been charged with exploring potential opportunities in the areas of general operations, formation, finance, pastoral care, stewardship, social justice ministries, staffing, and children and youth ministry, as well as the gifts, strengths, and priorities of each Diocese; and 

WHEREAS, the discernment committee has been charged to consider a plan for full reunification as well as any interim sharing of resources and to provide a draft timetable for those efforts; and 

WHEREAS, having committed time towards gathering sufficient data to make a reasoned discernment, the discernment committee and both Bishops have jointly concluded that reunification of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania and the Diocese of Bethlehem be approved as well as an Agreement of Union to effectuate reunification; be it 

RESOLVED THAT, The Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem, meeting at its duly called Diocesan Convention on October 19, 2024, hereby approves the Agreement of Union and affirms its desire to reunite with the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania as one diocese, pursuant to the Agreement of Union and Canon 1.10.6 of the Constitution and Canons of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church; be it further 

RESOLVED THAT, if the consents of both Conventions are given, they shall be certifled by the Ecclesiastical Authority and the Secretary of the Convention of each involved Diocese to all the Bishops of the Church having jurisdiction and to the Standing Committees of all the Dioceses of the Episcopal Church; and be it further 

RESOLVED THAT, if the canonically required consents to the Agreement of Union are received, the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem will, pursuant to the Agreement of Union, enter into a “Year of Transition” with the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, during which time they will take such actions as are necessary to become the Episcopal Diocese of the Susquehanna effective January 1, 2026. 

Sponsor: The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Bethlehem