St. Nicholas of Myra

WEEKLY REFLECTION | Third Sunday of Advent, December 12, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind—and the next few promise the same. Advent is always such a joyful time for some, and an anxious time for others. There is so much to do that it’s easy to lose track of what it’s REALLY about: celebrating the coming among us of our Savior in human form and looking ahead to his continuing presence in our lives, until he comes again to earth. And to mirror Jesus’ generosity to us, we want to share with friends and family, passing on our joy. But even celebrations take a lot of planning.

The most helpful thing, I think, is to sketch out what the next few weeks will bring us at St. Margaret’s. And to let you know what to do if Mother Nature has different ideas in mind. (See weather notice.) So here’s the upcoming schedule.


December 12, Third Sunday of Advent.

  • St. Nicholas visits the 9:00 service. Invite kids of all ages (as well as adult kids).
  • Sharing Tree gathering continues.
  • Flower donations are due.

December 19, Fourth Sunday of Advent.

  • Greening of the church after the service.
  • Sharing Tree gifts and food boxes are due.

December 24, CHRISTMAS EVE.

  • Candlelight service at 5:00 p.m.

December 26, First Sunday of Christmas.

  • Lessons and Carols, including Eucharist, at the 9:00 service.


Mo. Laura+

View our Virtual Service on YouTube