The Baptism of Our Lord
My dearest family and friends of St. Margaret’s,
HAPPY EPIPHANY TO YOU! This year there will be six Sundays in the Season of Epiphany – the season of light! I love celebrating Epiphany in the Northern Hemisphere, where our hours of daylight are so few in winter. We have this glorious season of light to illuminate our way! The Light has come into the world – and the darkness will never overcome it.
On Wednesday, January 6th, we celebrated the Feast Day of the Epiphany, one of the Seven Principle Feast Days of the Year.
It is also known as Theophany in the east – a feast day that celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ.
In Western Christianity, the feast commemorates principally the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child, and – Jesus’ physical manifestation to the Gentiles. It is sometimes called Three Kings’ Day, in some traditions.
The Collect for the Feast Day of the Epiphany is:
“O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the Peoples of the earth: Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Let each of us cling to this LIGHT of Christ in these difficult days of the pandemic. Let us BE the light for others – offering words of hope, solace, and joy. We are not the Light – but, we reflect the light. The light which the world is desperate to know.
Be safe, be well, be YOU! BLESSINGS to each of you,
Jane +
Outreach News – Fall / Winter 2020 Wrap Up
To see pictures of what your generosity has provided, please visit the Fall/Winter 2020 Wrap Up in the Outreach section of our website, or look for the post on our Facebook page.
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(Available 9:00 AM the Day Of Service and Thereafter)