St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, Emmaus, PA

WEEKLY REFLECTION I May 5, 2024 – Sixth Sunday of Easter B

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


In between everything else going on, I have been spending time preparing for my presentation on Celtic Spirituality for Gather 24. I’m absolutely delighted that many folks are interested in this topic. I wrote about Earth Day and our responsibility last week. And my thinking about nature is continuing, in part because it is the beginning of  May when we traditionally plant in this area. And in part because this is Rogation Sunday, that quintessentially Aglican festival where the fields are blessed. See for information about this ancient festival.

I’ve put in a few Egyptian Walking Onions this week. These amazing creatures grow rapidly like regular onions, but in mid-summer they form clusters of tiny, baby bulblets on the top of their green stalks. As they grow, they get heavier, then flop over. The bulblets then take root wherever they hit the ground. And the cycle continues. If you
ever want to see anything about them, here’s a fun video: It occurs to me that they are good images for evangelism: we serve as a channel for God to touch one person’s heart. Then that person touches one and so on.

As I think about these wonderful perennial, edible creatures, I am brought back to my work on Celtic Spirituality. One of the hallmarks of this kind of spirituality is the awareness that God is constantly with us, surrounding us with care and love. Oh, not in the sense of sitting in heaven and looking down at us from a distance, but present everywhere. And that God is constantly giving us messages about God’s self, not only in Scripture, but also in creation. God wants to be known. God wants to interact with us. And so our magnificent world, the skies, the stars, the plants and animals, the water and the air, speak to us about God, if we will only take time to pay attention and to see and hear it all. For the ancient Celts, this was self-evident, and proof of God’s never- ending support and nurture.

In this season of growth and renewal, take a few moments each day to step outside. Breathe in the air God provides and smell the fragrance of the freshly turned earth, flowers and buds. Look at the trees and see the sun shining green-gold through the new leaves. Find the worms turning over the soil, digesting fallen plant matter and making it fertile. Say HI to the bees, working hard to pollinate new flowers, and later on the plants that will be in our gardens. All words of love from God, who is constantly laboring to keep life flourishing, and to make us aware of the holiness that surrounds us.

Keep the ALLELUIAS coming!

Mo. Laura+

Coming Up

  • May 12, Collection for Food Pantry (human) and for Animal Food Bank
  •  May 19, PENTECOST! Wear read and other fiery colors as we celebrate the birthday of the church!
  • June 9, RaiseRight Gift card orders due to Janice
  • Wednesdays, noonday prayer via zoom at 12:00
  • Mondays and Fridays, morning prayer via zoom at 8:00