St. Margaret's Weekly Reflection

WEEKLY REFLECTION | April 7, 2024 – Second Sunday of Easter B

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Thank you so much for everyone who worked so hard to make our Holy Week and Easter worship so wonderful. It takes a village to bring up a child, they say. But clergy knows it takes a village to make a parish community thrive!

We have several things coming up, both in the parish and the diocese. On May 4, the diocesan education day will be held in Scranton (see flyer). I have been privileged to lead one of the sections on Celtic Spirituality, together with Br. Matthew-
Luke from Grace Allentown. There will be other wonderful offerings. I hope that many of you will attend. We have been well represented in previous days, and I hope this year will be no exception.

I’ve also enclosed an announcement about AED/CPR training which will be here on April 28. This is a chance to learn a very simple technique which may give you the opportunity to save someone’s life. The National Insitutes of Health show there is a HUGE difference in survival if an AED can be used on someone experiencing a cardiac issue. Read the article here: NIH/AED . More information on the enclosed flyer.

Keep the ALLELUIAS coming!

Mo. Laura+

Coming Up

  • Friday, April 5: Pasta Potluck Dinner at 6:00
  • Sunday, April 14: Baptism of James Steich
  • Sunday, April 28: AED/CPR training after coffee hour
  • May 4, Gather 24 
  • Wednesdays, noonday prayer via zoom at 12:00
  • Mondays and Fridays, morning prayer via zoom at 8:00