Purple Advent Candle

WEEKLY REFLECTION I December 15, 2024 – Advent 3C

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Earlier this week, Fr. Jerry Gaeta sent a reflection to the Benedictine Oblates. It was deep and made me really think. So I’m sharing it with you. It reminded me to remember during this season of Advent, that God is so intent on seeking us, that Jesus became human, so he could better be among us. This is something that applies to all of us, not just the Benedictines.

Consider a word from Basil the Great: As in paradise, God walks in the Holy Scriptures, seeking [us].

“I come to seek God.”  We all know this phrase is the key to our beginning our journey as an Oblate of St. Benedict.  How helpful it is for us who have made the commitment “to seek God” to discover that it is God who is also seeking us.

The verse in Genesis tells us that when the first couple have disobeyed God they hide when they hear him walking in the garden in the evening.  God inquires: “Where are you?” (Genesis 3.9).

As Benedictines, focused on seeking God, it is significant to realize that all the time, God is seeking and calling out to each of us: “Where are you?”  Clearly, this is not a judgmental seeking by God, but a genuine longing for fellowship with each of us.  With you!

How often are we in a ‘state’ of wondering where God is for us in the midst of whatever it is that concerns or upsets us. Scripture invites us to remember that it is always God who is seeking us.

Giving thanks for the joy of knowing God is seeking us, fervently and faithfully, even when we lose track!

Advent peace,
Mo. Laura



  • Boscov’s Gift Wrapping Fundraiser. Wrapping schedule: Dec. 6, 12, 20 and 23 all 9-3. Sign up with Janice. Fun and helpful!
  • December 22 – 9:00 a.m. Sharing Tree Gifts Due
  • December 24 – 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
  • December 25 – 10:00 a.m. Christmas Day service
  • December 29 –  9:00 Lessons and Carols with Eucharist
  • Wednesdays – noonday prayer via zoom at 12:00