Church Announcements

WEEKLY REFLECTION I June 2, 2024 – Pentecost 2

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP and so on!!!! I presume you know what I mean, but if you need it in other languages….feel free to ask and I’ll translate.

The Vestry and leadership have heard me on this subject a number of times over the years I’ve been your priest. But some of you haven’t, so please let me share a very important message with you. John Donne wrote, “No man is an island, entire of itself.” These days, we’d say NO ONE is an island.” And that is so very true of the church. As true as in a large parish like the one I served for 20 years, as it is in our beloved family-sized parish St. Margaret’s.

It is one of the key principles I learned when I was an administrator at the University. In business. And even in my home. What is this central commandment? EVERY SYSTEM MUST HAVE A BACKUP. For sure you know that, if you work with computers. Or with people. Sometimes we learn it through sad experience. “I’ll get around to having a stash of water in case the electricity goes out and we can’t use the well.” What happens when you haven’t gotten around to it and the next windstorm drops a tree on your electric lines?

In the parish, we are working to make sure we have people backups as well: two wardens, a couple of folks who work with Buildings and Grounds, a rota of readers, lists of substitute organists and priests. NO LONE RANGERS!!!! Now it’s time to keep St. M’s healthy by continuing to set up backups and also expanding the ones that are already in place. Nothing is permanent: people move away, people get sick or have accidents, have family or job responsibilities that change their availability, and new folks come.

Here is a list of opportunities to be part of our strong backup system. Please consider what you might like to try. There will ALWAYS be training and backup. I absolutely do mean it when I say: NO LONE RANGERS. And nothing is forever! If you try something and don’t like it, OK. Let us know and you’ll have a chance to try something else. We are all always learning.

–crucifers/acolytes (you don’t have to be a guy to crucifer, you know!)
–altar guild
–videographer Run the livestreaming on Sunday morning. We absolutely will train.
–preparing the texts for the readers/gospeler each week.
Dodd has been doing this for a while, and we’d like someone else to take it over.
Dodd will continue as backup. This job includes putting the text into a layout so readers know when to break for a breath,      and also how to read in a way that makes sense to the hearers. This is done working through the Episcopal online lectionary (which only provides block text), and a printed resource. It can be done at home, in your own time. Take a look at the readings on the lectern and you’ll see what we mean. Dodd will train you.


–help with gardens and cleanup
–help with mowing

–send notes (both email and regular mail) to guests, thank yous to people who take part in events or work on Sunday mornings



–What do YOU see that needs more attention?

Please understand, I am so very grateful for everything people are doing. But I want to be sure that people don’t get burned out by being the only one doing something. It’s a lot of pressure to be The Only! I do take notice that Jesus said, “where two or
three are gathered”. And Jesus sent the disciples out two by two. Even Jesus believed in NO LONE RANGERS. Excited to see what will happen as we continue working and praying together!

Mo. Laura+

Coming Up

  • June 9, RaiseRight Gift card orders due to Janice (Blessing of food donated to Groceries Plus Food Pantry)
  • June 15, Juneteenth Celebration, 11:30 at St. Barnabas in Kutztown
  • Wednesdays, noonday prayer via zoom at 12:00