Lent Renewal

WEEKLY REFLECTION | Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 27, 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Welcome to the Fourth Sunday of Lent—traditionally called Laetare Sunday after the ancient Latin opening hymn that began Laetare Ierusalem, “Rejoice, O Jerusalem”. This Sunday is also called Refreshment Sunday, when some of the fasting and solemnity of Lent are relaxed a bit. I think of it as a kind of breather, when we pause for a day in our Lenten pilgrimage. It’s as if standing on the crest of a hill, we can see the glow of Easter ahead of us in the distance.  

This Sunday is also called “Rose Sunday”, because rose-colored vestments may be worn. In Britain, it’s called “Mothering Sunday”. Celebrating mothers, of course, but also because it was a custom to attend services at your “mother church”–the church you were baptized in. 

And then there is the traditional “simnel cake”–a light fruitcake with marzipan topping. I am aware of what many of you think of fruitcake, so, never fear, I don’t plan to feed you any. But it is a signpost that even as we ponder the bitterness of Christ’s passion, and think of our own need for repentance, we can find bits of joy and sweetness in the presence of the Spirit.

While St. Margaret’s doesn’t have any rose vestments, and you are unlikely to be dining on simnel cake, we do have a somewhat unusual something for you on Sunday, and hope you’ll be joining us at the service, with a smile.

Laetare! Rejoice, people of St. Margaret’s!

Mo. Laura+

March 7-April 11, Mondays, 7:00-8:00 p.m. “Writing to God” (zoom)

March 10-April 14, Thursdays, 12:00-1:00 p.m. “Living the Way of Love” (zoom)

March 13-April 3 SHAMPOO COLLECTION We are collecting full-size bottles of shampoo (no conditioner & no pumps, please) for the EHS Angel Network. We are looking for 170 by April 3. Please place your shampoo in the clear bins at the back of the church. We will also offer times to drop off your shampoo at the church office. These times are: 

  • Wednesdays (9:00-2:00)
  • Thursday evenings by appointment
  • Saturdays by appointment
  • Please contact Jen Burkhardt with questions or if these times don’t work for you: 
  • 484-553-1227 Email smecepcm@gmail.com

April 10 Palm Sunday, service 9:00 a.m.

April 12 Funeral services for Joseph Hall, 2:00 p.m., church

April 14 Maundy Thursday, service in the evening (TBA)

April 15 Good Friday, service time TBA

April 17 EASTER! 9:00 a.m.

April 30 Gather 22: Hope Renewed, Diocesan Training and Gathering Day, 8:00-6:00, no cost, but registration required. https://diobeth.org/gather22/