Dearest Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
This week we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity. This is the Christian belief that God is one and in three persons: God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
To quote a noted theologian, “You would think this is craziness! But for Christians, it is how God moves, relates, dances, and manifests Godself in the world—always through relations.” [Cláudio Carvalhaes, Associate Professor of Worship, Union Theological Seminary New York, N.Y.]
The dynamic, loving movement of God, manifested in the Holy Trinity, is a bedrock of our faith. The Holy Community of God – the Communitas – into which we are invited to enter.
It is a life-long pilgrimage towards God by joining into the circle of love that is the Trinity. But that is exactly what we are privileged to do – by virtue of the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. And the gift of the Holy Spirit working in, through, and among us.
The Trinity [below] is an orignal icon created by Russian painter Andrei Rublev in the 15th century. It is his most famous work and the most famous of all Russian icons, and it is regarded as one of the highest achievements of Russian art.

The Trinity depicts the three angels who visited Abraham, but the painting is full of symbolism and is interpreted as an icon of the Holy Trinity. At the time of Rublev, the Holy Trinity was the embodiment of spiritual unity, peace, harmony, mutual love and humility.
The Holy Trinity is a centerpiece of the Christian Faith. The God, the Creator; the Son, the Redeemer; and the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier is with us, for us and leading us into God’s future of unity, love, peace, justice and mutual love.
My friends, may we continue to be one in the Spirit. And let us continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
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(Available 9:00 AM the Day Of Service and Thereafter)