Fall/Winter 2022 Schedule

WEEKLY REFLECTION | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, October 9, 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are entering into the Very Busy Time of the year—almost as though after the lethargy of summer heat and humidity, the cool breezes and refreshing rains of autumn have sent our world into hyperdrive.  St. Margaret’s is certainly not exempt from that. So instead of my usual weekly reflection, I’m going to give you a list of dates you should know for the fall.



Sundays: Holy Eucharist at 9:00 a.m. in the church

Wednesdays: Noon Prayer at 12:00 noon on zoom

Mondays: Bible Study at 7:00 p.m. on zoom


1st Sundays of the month: Prayers and hymns at 1:30, Legend of Allentown

2nd Sundays of the month: Food Bank Collection at 9:00 service

4th Sundays of the month: Benedictine Oblates at 1:30 in parish hall and zoom (open to everyone, includes noon and evening prayer, as well as discussion time)


October 15: 7:00 Emmaus Hallowe’en Parade    volunteers needed for hospitality and concession stand (proceeds donated to Food Bank)

October 20-22: Iconography workshop in parish hall

October 23: Fr. Peter Pearson preaching at the 9:00 service

October 23-November 13: shampoo collection for Angel Network

October 24-26: Mo. Laura away at Clergy Conference


November 6: All Saints Sunday, commemorate the saints and those we love who have gone before 

November 13: Gift card orders due

November 20: St. Margaret’s Day/Consecration Sunday/Christ the King   Pipers and special coffee hour following the service as we rejoice on our patronal feast day and invest in the future

November 27: First Sunday of Advent, Coffee Hour Resumes

November 28-December 18: Sharing Tree


December 11: Gift card orders due

December 24: Christmas Eve service time: TBA

December 25: Christmas Day service at 9:00 in the church

January 1: New Year’s Day service at church  (Yes! There will be one. Time may change.)

Joy to you **all** as we **all** continue to worship and serve together!

Mo. Laura+