The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost, November 8, 2020

Dear St. Margaret’s Family and Friends,

Greetings to each of you this blustery November Day!  If it is November, this means it’s time to look at our Stewardship of St. Margaret’s as we look to the new year 2021.

Our world and our churches have drastically changed due to the Covid Pandemic and I am so incredibly thankful for each of you who have kept up, and in some cases, exceeded your 2020 pledges throughout it all.

St. Margaret's Episcopal Church - Annual StewardshipWe are learning together how to “be church” during this unprecedented time.  Our On-line Sunday Worship is getting many viewers; our Monday night Bible Study continues to be a blessing; and our Noon Day Prayers each Wednesday, led by Mo. Laura, is a blessed prayer community.  And, all these are open to all!

St. Margaret’s NEEDS to continue and grow in being a beacon of hope for our parishioners, past, present and future – and indeed, those in the immediate neighborhood!

We continue to reach out to our community in mission initiatives such as the Food Pantry and the Angel Tree Network to name a few.

2021 will be an opportunity to continue in being the church in new and innovative ways.  Thanks to YOU, and your faithfulness to the financial well-being of the church, we can and will continue to thrive.

I invite you to seriously, prayerfully consider your “Estimate of Giving” for the coming year. Even though there is a deeply concerning resurgence of Covid at the present moment, I know we all look forward to being able to gather safely in-person at some point in the beginning of the year.

Included in your weekly mailing is your “Estimate of Giving Card” for 2021.  Please fill it out and return it in the envelope provided no later than Monday, November 23rd.  Thank you in advance.  St. Margaret’s could not exist without YOU!

And a heads up that Sunday, Nov. 15th we will celebrate ST. MARGARET’S DAY at our worship including our plaid paraments, bagpipes, and Mo. Laura preaching!  Thanks be to God!

View our Virtual Service on YouTube

(Available 9:00 AM the Day Of and Thereafter)