From the Desk of the Senior Warden

This is the “Light of Christ,” that burns brightly and continuously for all of us. Let it give you hope.

The “Circle of life” within our St. Margaret’s community continues each day.
Let us celebrate with joy the birth of little “Grace” to Jesika and Ben Steuerwalt.
And we send virtual “hugs” and “hoorays” to “Big Brother,” James.
We extend our affection and condolences to Dan Farrell who lost his Mom this week. May she “rest in peace, and rise in glory!”

The events of the latest days on the streets of many cities are disturbing and heartbreaking. Here, in our corner of the world, we “can do this!”
Please send a note affirming our love and affection for each member of the “Gaye” family and Arun. The best way to send cards or notes is through the US postal system…snail mail. Contact me privately for their mailing addresses.

These ongoing “street events” throughout our country raise so many emotions and frustrations. At this very moment “we all” have the instrument of “prayer.” Pray “unceasingly” no matter your age or rage.
Pray for our leaders, all people on the streets, law enforcement, and the military.
I encourage you once again to go to the Book of Common Prayer.

                            Book of Common Prayer: Page 283

For Social Justice:

Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart (especially the hearts of the people of this land), that barriers that divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatred cease; that our divisions being healed, we may live in justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Peace, Prayers, Patience
~Connie, SW