Updated 8/25/2022
Last Tuesday evening, Vestry discussed the latest COVID-related guidelines from the CDC. Masking continues to be recommended for anyone experiencing
symptoms; who has been exposed to someone with COVID; or with health-related concerns. But while it is recommended for safety indoors, it is no longer required. Therefore, St. Margaret’s no longer requires masking, although some of us may choose to do so. As respiratory patients, my husband and I certainly will. Please do continue to observe social distancing. We want to do our best to keep each other safe.
Lehigh and Northampton Counties are still in the medium or yellow range for COVID. Therefore, according to Diocesan guidelines, we will continue to receive communion with the Bread only. A reminder that although we miss having the Cup, we believe that receiving communion in one kind is complete communion.
But let us not feel awkward or unsafe together. Let us rejoice!
Please continue to observe social distancing.
Masks are not required at this time.
- Service Bulletins will include printed guidelines.
- Music is allowed as well as congregational singing. Choir will resume in the Fall.
- The sharing of The Peace will occur while staying in pews (not in the aisles etc.)
- At the time of communion, ushers will help guide the process. Congregants will please file down the middle aisle to receive; then return to seats via outside aisles. Only bread will be distributed at the time of communion.
- No Coffee Hour until Fall. Parishioners, of course, are welcome to gather outside after the service to visit.
The service will be live-streamed. A recording of the live-streamed service will be available on YouTube, Facebook, and on our Website.