Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This week, we come to the end of the book of Job. What a bumpy ride it’s been—for Job particularly, but for us, too, as we empathize with him in his sorrows.
You’ll remember that last week, God had some pretty stern words to share with Job. He had demanded that the Almighty answer him and give him an explanation for why he was being treated so unfairly. And God did answer him, by showing him that he didn’t know all the ins and outs of the universe. And that maybe there was more to it than Job, and certainly his critical friends, understood.
This week’s reading begins with Job’s reaction to the amazing panoply of the Universe, and God’s creation of it. He says, “I am awestruck. I really didn’t know what I was talking about, did I? I’m sorry that I said all that stuff and I’m really embarrassed. I thought I knew about you, God, from things I had heard. But now I REALLY see you for who you are.” Everything has changed for Job. He has encountered the Holy One for himself, not just read about him in Scripture or heard people’s stories about God. He has developed a personal relationship, a line of communication, with the Creator.
And that is what God wants: to connect with us, to be part of our lives. You may wonder how to do that? Try it! Try talking to God in the way you would talk to a friend. Share your thoughts, questions, wonders, needs. Then be still and give God time to answer. That’s what prayer is all about. Read Scripture prayerfully, praying to hear God’s voice and guidance within. Another kind of prayer.
There is one more tiny detail which we shouldn’t overlook in this story. God restored family to Job, and health, and wealth. You could say, “And they all lived happily ever after.” But look more closely. One little tiny word: AFTER. God restored the fortunes of Job AFTER he prayed for his friends. He obviously forgave them for being cruel to him and opened his heart enough to pray for them. That loving openness allowed him to receive the good that God wanted to give him. And they all DID live happily ever after.
Mo. Laura