Dear Brothers and Sisters,
WooHoo! Here we go! Diving into the busy and exciting time of the year. Those of us with school connections are bustling about, keeping kids on track (both as parents and teachers). And as students ourselves, if we are studying. We are pretending that Thanksgiving isn’t just around the corner. And I am meeting with folks in the parish, trying to get my bearings as your priest in charge. (Well, actually, at this point, most definitively NOT in charge. Computer security updated? Check. Computer back up? Check. Hospital visits? Check. Executive Council meeting? Check. Starting to plan for November’s exciting events? Ummmmm….)
Fortunately, there is a wonderfully active group of people at St. Margaret’s who actually know what is going on and how to do it, who keep things ticking over properly, and are teaching me the ropes. Finance is making sure to pay the bills so the lights and water stay on. Buildings and Grounds is hard at work making our Sacred Space glorious (did you see the new gardens at the back of the church?). Altar Guild and Worship are making sure that our Sunday mornings reflect the Beauty of Holiness. Sacred Time! Outreach and Wellness see that folks know we care about them (and fulfill Christ’s mandate to care for the needy and the sick). There is YOU, supporting St. Margaret’s mission with your volunteer time, your financial offerings, and, most of all, with your fervent prayers. Sacred People!
And then there’s me. Thinking about services and sermons, about programming and a simple, unpretentious newsletter, so we don’t miss anything.
Lots of things are coming up and I do hope that you will be part of our various celebrations. I’ll try to get out a calendar soon. But in the meantime, keep an eye out for how God is revealing to us Sacred Time, Sacred Space, and Sacred People*. Stay tuned!
Mo. Laura
*Huge thanks to Fr. Eric Hollas, OSB, for these ideas.