St. Margaret's Episcopal - Trinity Sunday

WEEKLY REFLECTION | Trinity Sunday, June 4, 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The wonderful holiday of Pentecost has come and gone and though we are now in the LOOOOONG “Season of Pentecost” (AKA “Ordinary Time”, AKA Green Time), we still have one more holiday to celebrate–perhaps the most mysterious one of all–Trinity Sunday

I say “mysterious”, because even though it comes around each year, right after Pentecost, I doubt that most of us *truly* understand it. For preachers, it is the mind-bending Sunday, when we are expected to explain something which is perfectly inexplicable. For congregations, it is the Sunday when they sit and listen to the preachers and go, “WHAT in the name of heaven are they talking about???”

We could preach the same sermon every Trinity Sunday for 30 years and nobody would still understand it (let alone the preachers themselves). Even great and famous preachers like St. Patrick could only start making a stab at it. If you want a smiling version of how challenging the problem really is, take a look at this video on my Facebook page. 

As a matter of fact, no less a theologian than St. Athanasius the Great, the 3rd-century church father, had to admit that pretty much everything about the Trinity is incomprehensible. See the Athanasian Creed on page 864 of the Prayer Book. It is very much worth your while to read it. And re-read it. Then, on Sunday, come along in person or online to see how I manage. If you have any revelations, I’ll gladly include them in my homily.

Blessings in the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Mo. Laura+


  • 7:00-2:00 St. Margaret’s Yard Sale
  • 11:00 Jennifer Schaffner Burkhardt’s ordination to the diaconate, Cathedral