All Saint's Day

WEEKLY REFLECTION | November 5, 2023 – All Saints

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

This Sunday, we have the joy of celebrating All Saints! A feast day I delight in, because it encourages us to focus on a very important part of our faith: that the holy ones of all ages are not just dead and gone, but are now alive in eternity. And, even more important, they continue to be concerned about us, and support us, even as they did when they were alive on earth. Another piece of that, is that the saints are not just the ones who are identified and named by the church are not the only ones who are saints. We also remember those who are holy, and known only to God, rather than just to us. As a matter of fact, we are ALL called to be holy. And St. Paul speaks of all the believers as saints.

Jim Harding shared his stewardship reflection last week, with the help of granddaughter Kira. He mentions some of his own saints. Here it is!


Mo. Laura+


Jim Harding and Kira –

May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, my redeemer.

Good morning. For those I haven’t met, my name is Jim Harding. Before I go any further, a word of warning, one most if not all of you already know – beware of smiling clergy who approach you with “opportunities” to participate.

I am a lifelong Episcopalian. My wife, Sandy, and I have been attending St. Margaret’s for several months after becoming “unchurched” by the COVID pandemic. I currently serve on several Diocesan teams in the finance and Mission Resources spaces.

My initial interest in St. Margaret’s was piqued by that smiling clergy I mentioned earlier, Mother Laura. I have known her for many years dating back to when she was at Trinity, Bethlehem, where my mom, dad, and sister were/are members. But beyond that personal relationship, what impressed me most about St. Margaret’s was what I saw when visiting your parish’s’ website and what I heard/saw about your engagement with other parishes and outside organizations.

St. Margaret’s commitment to helping others is evident in many ways from caring for your fellow parishioners to supporting local community and organizations (food banks, Halloween parade, Angel Network, Daybreak ministries, and more); to supporting other parishes (St. Barnabas in Kutztown) regain their feet to serve their communities. Mother Laura quotes T. Merton in her many communications: “We have what we seek. We don’t have to rush after it. It was there all the time, and if we give it time it will make itself known to us.” I believe this is what St. Margaret’s has become to us. It just seems to be the right fit.

As we move forward, you will be seeing more of us participating in the daily life of the parish, contributing our time, talents (whatever those might be), and treasure to St. Margaret’s. Just as we can’t survive without food and water, a parish can’t live into its mission and ministry without the full support of its members, both financial and non-financial. We look forward to joining St. Margaret’s family and working with you on its journey into the future.
