Dear Brothers and Sisters,
What a joy to celebrate our patronal feast day once again with you—and this year the Bishop is coming to celebrate with us! A number of us have been planning ahead for music and the always over-the-top reception following the service. Which is as it should be, because St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, was known for feeding people.
It is also highly appropriate that St. Margaret’s Day comes each year during our Stewardship season. The story goes that she took money from the king’s treasury for her various projects, like educating children, supporting the church, building hospitals and feeding people, as I mentioned before. When outraged officials reported her bad (and illegal) behavior to the king, who knew perfectly well what she was up to, he laughed and joked that he might have to have the Queen arrested.
Not, of course, that I am suggesting we swipe money to support the church as part of our Stewardship program. Still, Queen Margaret’s legendary generosity continues to inspire us in our generosity.
And speaking of inspiration, Lori Sysak, our online Vestry representative, offered her reflection last Sunday. Wellness Committee chair Meta Cadugan also sent one in. They are both included here.
Mo. Laura+
Lori Sysak
St. Margaret’s Reflection
November 12, 2023
I am a member of St. Margaret’s because I like that we are very involved with many community resources. We show our service to God by helping those in need.
What allows me to fully feel like a member is my ability to participate in many events through St. Margaret’s online presence. I am no longer driving due to visual issues, but I can still attend Sunday services through Facebook.
I am able to continue my faith studies by attending Wednesday services, Monday Bible study, and the monthly Benedictine meeting. I am happy I can attend each of these because others’ perspectives widen my own and questions are not only allowed, they are encouraged.
I imagine others who partake and are unable to get out feel less of a sense of loneliness, too.
I also participate in the knitting and crocheting group which creates things for people in need, chemo caps, hats and scarves, and blankets.
I am the online vestry member.
All these things make me feel like I am still valuable to the world at large and to St. Margaret’s. At least in some small way.
Everybody does their best to offer their time, talent and treasure, so St. Margaret’s can continue on.
I am happy to be here!
Meta Cadugan
My Journey to St. Margaret’s
My mother was raised Baptist and my father was raised Episcopalian. When I was an infant I was baptized in an Episcopal church. My brother was baptized in a different Episcopal church when we have moved into our first house. The priest told my parents that they didn’t have a nursery and should come back once their children were older. That did not sit well with my parents, especially my Baptist-raised mother, so they went to the local church, which was Presbyterian at the time. Which later became a UCC church. During my rebellious teenage years, I started going to the local Episcopal church.
After getting married, we moved to Allentown. Rick Cluett was a neighbor. I did not know him at the time but I had met his children. My sister moved in with us and was horrified that I wasn’t going to church so we set out one Sunday morning looking for St. Margaret’s. We were welcomed greatly and several parishioners took it upon themselves to be a mentor to me. I was invited to the woman’s group meetings, among other activities, and offered to help host coffee hour. It wasn’t long until I was confirmed. My son was born and then baptized at St. Margaret’s and grew in the Christian life through church school, Christmas pageants, acolyting, youth group, and even learned to ski during a youth activity.
First, I was asked to help out in the nursery. Then I was asked to teach Church School, which I did for many years. Next, I served on the vestry and nursery school board. A few of the teens wanted to be confirmed, so I developed a confirmation preparation program for them. For a very short time, I was an adult acolyte. I started an outreach committee. I have served on the in-reach committee until the outreach committee was implemented and I am now revamping the wellness committee. Currently, I am licensed as a Lay Eucharistic Visitor, Lay Eucharistic Minister, and Lay Worship Leader. Over the years, I have been involved and given my talents, but I get far more from St. Margaret’s than I can ever give.
Coming Up
- Thursday, November 30, all wreath orders due
- Sunday, December 3, wreath pick up, and Gift Card orders due