St. Margaret's Episcopal Church Steeple

WEEKLY REFLECTION | March 3, 2024 – Third Sunday of Lent B

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

In this letter there are a couple of important pieces of paper: the Easter flower order form (DUE NO LATER THAN MARCH 17) and Connie Allport’s review of studies and conversations about diocesan reunification with the Diocese of Central PA (check your email for the summary).

Please do take a few moments to read Connie’s summary carefully and prayerfully. She has digested a great deal of the Reunification Committee’s report, as well as video presentations. Connie and Sue Schaffner are our delegates to Diocesan Convention and will be voting on what is raised at Convention in October. Over the next few weeks, please let her know your opinion about reunification. She and Sue will be your voice at Convention.

Dodd has asked me to share this with you: POLL WORKERS NEEDED IN EMMAUS PRECINCTS

The Lehigh County Voter Registration staff are now hiring registered voters to work polling places for both April 23 primary and November 5 general / presidential elections. As noted above, Emmaus precincts need more staff, and there are openings all over the County.

Online training is provided and required, and you are paid for each election: $165 was last year’s rate. It’s a long day, 6:30 AM to 8:30 PM, but it goes quickly and you get breaks. I have been a poll worker for 2+ years, and find it to be an important and satisfying part of my community commitment. Please consider filling out an online application: or call the Voter Regist. office at 610-782-3194. –– Dodd Lamberton

The Holy Week schedule is listed below.

Also related to our music and worship: sadly, three Lutheran churches closed recently in Bethlehem. They were getting rid of their hymnals and music books, and Dodd was able to get about 50 copies for us without cost. Since he includes some different music for us from time to time, instead of making inserts for the bulletin, we can now use the books and be more ecologically and fiscally responsible. Thank you, Dodd, and thank you, sister churches.

Mo. Laura+

Coming Up

  • March 4-5  New carpet installation in the church
  • March 17: Easter flower orders due
  • March 21: Chrism Mass at 11:00
  • Wednesdays, noonday prayer via zoom at 12:00
  • Mondays and Fridays, morning prayer via zoom at 8:00

Holy Week Schedule

  • Sunday, March 24, 9:00 Palm Sunday (in person and live-streamed)
  • Wednesday, March 27, 12:00 Holy Wednesday service (zoom)
  • Thursday, March 28, 7:00 Maundy Thursday service (in person and live-streamed)
  • Friday, March 29, 12:00 Good Friday Stations of the Cross (zoom)
    7:00 Good Friday service (in person and live-streamed)
  • Saturday, March 30, 10:00 Holy Saturday service (zoom)
  • Sunday, March 31, 9:00 Easter Day service!!!! (in person and live-streamed)
    Easter Egg Hunt following the service