The First Sunday of Advent - St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, Emmaus, Pennsylvania

WEEKLY REFLECTION | December 3, 2023 – First Sunday of Advent

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It’s the first Sunday of Advent, which means it is the start of the new church year. So instead of Year A, we now are in Year B of the Sunday lectionary. Our colors have switched to blue (the color of hope, among other things). And we will be using Eucharistic Prayer B, which has more of a focus on the Incarnation. Which, after all, is part of the theme of Advent, waiting. We are remembering the long years of waiting for the coming of Jesus, and we are awaiting once again the coming of Jesus’ kingdom. This is not a theoretical, imaginary thing. This is when there will be justice, peace, plenty, love and kindness on earth. When illness, suffering and sorrow will have melted away, and “the lion will lie down with the lamb.” Given the current state of the entire world, and even the communities in which we live, I want to yell out together with the early church, “Maranatha!!” “Come quickly!!”

Looking forward to healthy kinds of change in our lives and in our spirits! More about this Sunday after Sunday during Advent.

Mo. Laura+

Coming Up

  • Monday, December 4 and Thursday, December 7, Advent Class on Gospel of Mark begins, contact Mo. Laura to sign up
  • December 24, 9:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday of Advent, Holy Eucharist
  • December 24, 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
  • December 25, 10:00 a.m. Christmas Day Service