Purple Advent Candle

WEEKLY REFLECTION | December 17, 2023 – Third Sunday of Advent

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

It seems like this fall has been busier than ever. And numerous people have said the same thing. Which means that Advent seems more rushed and more and more things are getting crammed in as we get ready for Christmas.  I was thinking of that this morning after the alarm went off and I stubbornly refused to get out of bed to start another busy day. In my mind’s eye, I saw a huge STOP sign.  Every time I thought of yet another thing I had to do, the STOP sign flashed. Finally, I figured out the message. And I reproduce it for you.

What is the point of this time of year?  Is it about how much I can get done in the least amount of time?  STOP and think about that! Is it stressing out to be sure I have just the right presents for the right people? STOP! Is it getting the decorations up? Or feeling guilty that they’re not up? STOP! Is it about juggling so much that it feels like we have two or three full-time jobs?

How about this idea. Yes, there are lots of things to do and many of them are not discretionary. But STOP for a minute and think of why we have the seasons of Advent and Christmas? Because Christ came among us. Isn’t that the real priority? It’s so easy to let that awareness pass through our minds and then to let it get chased away by the heavily-laden train of to-dos that follow.

So STOP for a moment! What if, in the middle of all the stresses, noise, traffic and crowds, we STOP and set aside some time each day simply to rest with the awareness of what Christmas means for our lives. For our souls. Is it too much to ask for 20 minutes of quietness a day when there are 23 hours and 40 minutes for everything else? STOP what we’re giving everyone else and give God a few minutes? I feel strongly that that is what God actually wants for Christmas.



Mo. Laura+


Coming Up

  • December 17, 9:00 a.m. Flower donations and memorials for Christmas due to Kathy Leber
  • December 17, 9:00 a.m. Wrapped and tagged gifts for the Sharing Tree due
  • December 24, 9:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday of Advent, Holy Eucharist
  • December 24, 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
  • December 25, 10:00 a.m. Christmas Day Service
  • December 31, 9:00 a.m. New Year’s Eve, Holy Eucharist
  • January 7, 9:00 a.m. Epiphany Lessons and Carols, Holy Eucharist