Food Bank Donations

St. Margaret’s Outreach 9-20-20

St. Margaret’s continues to be committed to outreach even while the building is closed. We remain the church! The Vestry voted to donate a financial contribution of $500.00 in May to the Emmaus Ecumenical Food Bank.         ~ Jane+

And a note from Jen Burkhardt:
Vestry voted in July to distribute $700 to Outreach, to be allocated as the team thought was most helpful. The consensus of the Outreach Team was to split the funds equally between Groceries Plus (the Emmaus Ecumenical Food Bank) and the EHS Angel Network to help fund programs that are feeding our community.  If you are interested in seeing the data that went into this decision, please reach out to Jen Burkhardt via our website contact form.  

                                               ~ Thank you,  Jen Burkhardt, Community Outreach Coordinator