Eastertide Greetings!

Greetings in the name of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ this Eastertide!

Who would ever have thought that our world would be turned upside-down in the past weeks with the coronavirus pandemic?  Now, the world is gravely afflicted by COVID-19.

We are living through an unprecedented time in our history.

But, the resurrection of Jesus is, for me, the single most important event in human history. It is the moment at which God demonstrated once and for all that love is stronger than death.

Each week, as the crisis has been growing and we ultimately had to cease all corporate worship, I found it profoundly heartbreaking.  Indeed, I grieve that we cannot be physically together to receive the blessed sacrament together.

However, as a Church, we are practicing entirely new ways of “gathering” for corporate worship via social media.

Church services in person may be cancelled; but CHURCH is not cancelled because, the church is more than a building.  WE are the Church. We are all called to bear witness to our experience of the works of God in times like these.

There are many links to Virtual Worship opportunities; but here are two favorites:

I send my most heartfelt greetings to you and your families for health, safely and wellness.

God bless you.      

Jane Bender+