St. Margaret's Episcopal Church - Chili Smackdown Potluck

Chili Smackdown Potluck

Thank you to all who managed the Chili Smackdown two Sundays ago and made it such a success. It was a beautiful Sunday morning on the lawn. There were 9, count them 9, different chilis for us to try! As well as two entire tables of other kinds of food and desserts. So, it was a great time! And, you may be wondering who won, because we had voted. It was a tie for 1st place and 2nd place. There was a small glitch though, in our first dry-run of chili smackdowns, and that is, we forgot to write down which colors went with which chilis. So I have decreed, as the author of this great event, that everybody won! And I’m sure that we all did win. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and celebration. It was our first time together since COVID.

There are a number of more things that are going to be coming up this fall. The next event is the 2022 Emmaus Borough Halloween Parade, which is on October 15. It starts at 7 PM here. If you would like to be part of St. Margaret’s offering of hospitality to our community, plus have a huge amount of fun, please let one of us know and you can be part of the cooking & serving, the welcoming, or the mischief community!

And speaking of things going on, because we have so many things during the end of the Pentecost season, Vestry has decided that we will start up our coffee hours again beginning in Advent. Another thing to look forward to as we continue to recover from COVID and find ways to enjoy each other while keeping each other safe. So, should be a wonderful fall!

Inaugural Chili Smackdown Potluck Photos

[Click on an image thumbnail to view it fullscreen]