I grew up at St. Margaret’s. I remember going there as far back as five years old. My parents Pat and Mike had gone there long before and were married by Father Rick in the early 80s. I have fond memories of Sunday school with Meta Cadugan, Janet Little, Greg Cygan, and Kathy Klidonas. I remember adding to the paper “thankful chain” and I was always thankful for my parents… and probably pizza. I remember doing connect-the-dots and word searches in the kids’ packets. I remember Organist Alice Luetzel’s world of patience when she’d try to get all the kids together to sing. She is a saint. I remember Margot Bradbury faithfully helping with coffee hour. Sometimes I would help her and she’d have me mix the iced tea. I remember Gil and Iris Peterson’s soul-touching duets during service. I’ll never forget his voice as long as I live. “Ohh sometimes it causes me to tremble….” I remember when Mr. Peterson got sick and I’d joke with him and ask him if he was staying out of trouble. I remember the Schaffners taking me to Christophany and the emotional and healing moments I had there. I remember when we broke ground to build the new office and addition upstairs. I remember playing preludes on my keyboard that Mrs. Luetzel would ask me to do. I was always so nervous but I’m glad I did it. I remember Betsy Diely’s red lipstick and red hair, but also her gracious and selfless personality. My heart broke when I learned of her passing. I remember as an acolyte and crucifer carrying the cross down the sanctuary with great pride.
I remember helping my mom when she was the sexton. I remember sweeping the floors in the sanctuary and changing the trash bags in the bathrooms. I remember cleaning out all the leaves in the drainage area and washing the windows every spring. I remember waxing all the pews and floors for Christmas. I can still smell and feel the wooden pews and red carpet kneelers. I remember cleaning the church for mom when she was injured. I remember my dad and mom both being ill and parishioners bringing meals to our house. I remember the people of St. Margaret’s coming to our house to sing Christmas carols one winter. I remember getting my first diary at basket bingo. I remember bagpipes and St. Margaret’s stew. I remember the huge family I had in the people at St. Margaret’s.
I remember moving to Trexlertown and going to church less because it was farther away. I remember growing up and becoming less interested in church. I remember questioning Christianity and other religions. I remember my dad getting sick and eventually dying. I remember losing faith. I remember walking away feeling hurt and lost.
Then, nearly ten years later my former Sunday School teacher Greg Cygan asks me if I do websites. Before I know it I’m back at 150 Elm Street meeting Rev. Jane Bender, Mo. Laura Howell, the lovely Allports, and seeing some familiar faces. I was overwhelmed with the hospitality and inspired by the group’s passion for St.Margaret’s, a new website, and utilizing new technology to spread St. Margaret’s mission and the word of God.
I would not describe myself as very religious but I believe in helping others, helping the community, and being a positive light in a world that lately seems to be covered by darkness. I believe in the work that St. Margaret’s is doing, its faithful flock, and all they do for the community. While I’m still on my spiritual journey, I feel honored to be St. Margaret’s webmaster and to help them share their good news with the community and the world. No matter where I am, St. Margaret’s will always feel like “home”. Thank you all, for having me, and to St. Margaret’s for all the memories.
Jessica Petrohoy Stubits, Webmaster